Water Level Monitoring System
A water-level monitoring and control system was developed for the Sustainability Network challenge in TechSoc 2011. The design won 1st prize for a unique low-cost and power efficient design.

BlueLock - The electronic lock
BlueLock was developed at Centre for Innovation. The project involved development of a fail-secure low-cost electronic locking device which interfaces with an Android app that lets the user control the lock using a password. The app has an easy and intuitive interface with a very user-friendly UI.

Persistence of Vision Display, Envisage
Designed a rotating array of LEDs creating a display of radius 2m with a resolution of 25088 pixels using just 98 LEDs. Developed protocols and algorithms to translate video files to the POV display’s data format. One of the spotlight exhibits on stage in Envisage, the first ever completely student-made techno- entertainment show in SHAASTRA 2013.

ECG based Health Monitor, Phasorz Technologies
Designed and tested electronic circuitry for a diagnostic ECG acquisition system. Developed an android app with an intuitive interface for viewing ECG signals, crucial for the system. Implemented filtering algorithms in mobile phone to reduce device cost drastically.

Power Meter Test Automation, Eaton Corporation
Developed an automation system for testing and verification of Electrical Power meters developed by Eaton. Developed scripts and procedures that made the testing process 900 times faster.

Pro-Silence, Arbit Labz
Free lightweight service for Android 2.0+. It automatically silences your phone when it's in your pockets. An incoming call can also be silenced by turning your phone over.

Available on Play store: ProSilence for Android

Lyrical, Arbit Labz
Free android app that identifies the song playing on your phone and lets you view its lyrics instantly. Options to save lyrics, share lyrics and make offline.

Available on Play store: Lyrical for Android

Sakura Play Station
Developed a gaming platform exploiting various features of the GR Sakura board the interfaces to the A/V port of Television sets. 4 games were developed on this platform using Android devices, Keyboard, Mouse, etc. as input devices. A proof of concept of a Smart TV was also demonstrated. The project won 1st position in the Best Open Source Project category in the GR Sakura Design contest 2013.

Real-time RPM tracker for Washing machine dryer
An embedded system interfacing with a PC that plots the variation in RPM of the dryer with time. Allows for optimization of time and power required for the dryer.

Leap Motion games for specially abled
Developed a set of games for the Leap Motion. These games minimized intricacies in the input gestures and allows children with cerebral palsy to play effortlessly!