Electrical Engineering | Theory
Electrical and Magnetic Circuits Digital Systems Networks and Systems
Computer Organisation and Microprocessors Analog and DSP Electrical Machines
Solid State Devices Power System Practice Control Engineering
Analog Circuits Communication Systems Principles of Measurement
Device Modeling Data Structures and Algorithms Microelectromechanical Systems
Computer Methods in Electrical Engineering Digital IC Design VLSI Technology
Electrical Engineering | Laboratory
CAD Lab Digital Circuits Lab Microprocessor Laboratory
Electrical Machines Lab Analog Circuits Lab Advanced EE Laboratory
Advanced Microelectronics Lab
Indian National Movement Principles of economics
Seminar: Electromagnetic Micro Power Generator
A review of the paper "An Electromagnetic Micro Power Generator for Low-Frequency Environmental Vibrations Based on the Frequency Upconversion Technique, JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS, VOL. 19, NO.1, FEBRUARY 2010" was done and presentated in classroom seminar. As a part of the Introduction to Microelectromechanical systems course.
Term paper: Stable Roommates Problem
A term paper was written reviewing the paper Irving, Robert W. (1985), An efficient algorithm for the "stable roommates" problem, Journal of Algorithms as part of the "Data Structures and Algorithms" course.
2-out-of-5 BCD identifier
ROM realization of a 2-out-of-5 BCD identifier was developed and demonstrated on ModelSim.
Class D Amplifier
A high-efficieny low-power "Class D Amplifier" was developed as part of the Analog Circuits Laboratory.
Toys from trash
Developed a dozen "Toys from Trash" based on ARVIND GUPTA TOYS. These toys were designed to demonstrate simple physics experiments to school students as part of the NSS program.
Monkey-proof Milk basket
A modified milk basket was designed for the residents of IIT Madras to tackle the nuisance caused by monkeys as a part of the Introduction to Engineering Design course.
Newspaper walking stick
A robust walking stick for the elderly was developed using just newspaper as a part of the Introduction to Engineering Design course.